Coronavirus (COVID-19) Industry Update
To all our valued clients.
Firstly, we hope you and your families are learning to live in the “new world” as it is currently with all the restrictions in place that is changing many of our daily habits and that your families are remaining well as we all continue to experience the effects and threats that Covid-19 pose to us all.
From an International Logistics sense Australia and all the states remain open for business, as indeed we are. We have now had all of our Coronavirus precautions such as hygiene and social distancing policies working for more than four weeks and are pleased to report we are still completely unaffected by the virus or other illness, hoping you have all found the same success. We are here to help and advise!!!
1. Seafreight
As of today, the Chinese situation continues to improve, the number of blank/void sailings has not increased, in fact the last blank/void sailings will be in week 17, then the China trade will revert to its previous frequency and capacity. Our Chinese agents have advised the majority of factories are now back at work and approaching 100% capacity already. We are reasonably expecting to see the shipments building from China over the coming month, and pretty much normalised by early May. So, if you have not already ordered now might be a good time to do so in order to refill your warehouse stock.
Shipments ex Europe are being drastically affected by the lockdown of factories principally in Italy, France, Germany and now the UK. That coupled with the shortage of empty containers, largely caught up in China has resulted in significant delays for seafreight ex Europe generally, this situation is expected to last at least another 6-8 weeks at a minimum.
Shipments ex The USA are similar but not quite so bad as the European situation. The major lines servicing the Europe China trade are currently repositioning over 100000 TEU (20’ equivalent units) back to the United States to ease the shortage of equipment there. Bookings of one or 2 containers at a time are generally no big issue but larger quantities may result in split shipments. The United States is yet to reach its peak as far the Pandemic is concerned so it’s a matter of watching this space for further developments.
Consolidated shipments (LCL/FAK) are still very much affected by the lack of output worldwide, but we expect certainly the Asian to be back on track over the next month and the rest of the world is still a wait and see situation.
Space and equipment remain a major issue until the Chinese situation sorts itself out, but again smaller shipments are generally able to be facilitated without delay, multiple container shipments may incur issues with empty equipment and space availability.
2. Airfreight
Cargo by air is still an option, noting that airports are reduced, timeframes are longer and pricing is more expensive. by freighter aircraft, at a much slower frequency and greater cost in the current climate.Please contact us if you would like to enquire about what service options and pricing is currently available.We can also provide a comparison between air and sea freight options for your consideration.
3. Payments and Credit Terms
To assist with limiting exposure, all payments must be via bank transfer only (no cash payments) until further notice. We appreciate this is a trying time for all. Due to the significant outlay on our behalf, we will be reviewing credit facilities with our clients who have current credit terms.
4. Original Bills of Lading (Telex release/ Express release)
Due to varying circumstances around the world, you may find it difficult to send and receive original documents in a timely manner. We strongly suggest you arrange telex release at origin to avoid unnecessary transport of original documents.Please note, in some instances original documents may be required to process clearance, please check with your Tayper representative.To save further time, we also suggest if original bills of lading are issued, the original bill be endorsed and couriered directly to the shipping line, this will help reduce time onforwarding. Further to this, some shipping lines have closed their local offices, please check with the Tayper team for address details of open offices.
5. Documents for Clearance
We remind clients to obtain commercial documents from shippers as soon as possible after the vessel has sailed origin, this will provide additional time for documents to be reviewed, pre-clearance arranged and arrangement of COD payments. Late / incorrect / missing documentation could result in delays in clearance in turn costing you as the importer additional storage/shipping line detention charges.
6. Contacts & Closures
You may be required to close, decided to close or already be working from home.Please ensure to let us know of your movements and delivery requirements.If you can please provide emergency contacts and instructions to assist us with helping you. Please send details to import@tayper.com.au
7. Visitors to Site
We ask that during the current measures you avoid any contact to our
office.Visitors will be turned away.We are available on email and via phone to
assist in all ways possible.Arriving couriers will be asked to leave parcels at
the front building entrance.
Tayper and SET have in place strict safety measures when collecting freight:
- To be allowed onsite you need to answer honestly the precautionary questions for all of our safety:
“Have you been overseas in the past 14 days?”
“Have you been in close contact with someone who has a confirmed case of
- You need to advise the date and time you will be onsite to collect your cargo so the warehouse can have it ready to prevent unnecessary waiting
- You need to phone us upon arrival, enter the rear of the building to process paperwork with the warehouse manager, provide your vehicle’s registration number, driver’s full name and transport company / company represented (could be own)
We already have a 3 metre exclusion zone with our Forklifts. All couriers / drivers collecting cargo must keep to the 2 metre social distancing. Driver to remain in their vehicle until the loading has been completed. They may then get out of their vehicle and remain within 1m of it to check the loading.
- In the interim all paperwork will not require a driver’s signature, but be signed on behalf of the driver. Details to include vehicle registration, Drivers Full Name, Transport Company and date/time of drop off/collection.
- Until further notice Vests will not be supplied by SET.
- Visitors and drivers (down the back) are not to approach warehouse staff. Driver to remain in their vehicle with paperwork to be passed through the driver’s window.
- WHS staff to wear gloves while collecting paperwork from visitors and drivers.
8. Tayper’s previous correspondence:
We will continue to provide updates on this constantly evolving situation when there are any changes.Please contact us via phone or email to discuss any of the above.We hope you all remain safe and well and follow the measures in place to be able to return to normal business as soon as possible.
Take care,
The Tayper Team