New Additional Measures – Sea container measures to protect against Khapra Beetle
May 18, 2021
Protecting Intellectual Property
**NEWSFLASH – DO NOT IGNORE THIS NOTIFICATION – IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR ALL IMPORTERS OF FULL SEAFREIGHT CONTAINERS** Following on from our ‘Newsletter‘ on the 5th March 2021 New dates and measures have now been published. Please read the below broadcast, new measures come into force very soon and they may affect you! If you fail to follow the new measures, Quarantine will not allow your container/s to be discharged from the vessel and immediate export at your own cost will be directed. Please take the time to read and understand the below. Urgent actions to protect against Khapra Beetle Phase 6A: New measures for target risk containers The New Measures (in addition to previously notified on the 5th of March 2021) Who the new measures affect and from when: Containers packed in a Khapra Beetle Target Risk Country (all commodities) And Exported on or after the 12th July 2021 And Container is unpacked in a Rural Grain Growing Area of Australia What is required: Target risk containers must be treated offshore and accompanied by a valid treatment certificate from a permitted treatment provider. Information regarding approved treatment options, permitted offshore treatment providers and required treatment certification can be found on the Department of Agriculture’s website: https://www.agriculture.gov.au/pests-diseases-weeds/plant/khapra-beetle/sea-container-measures Reminder: Failure to treat target risk sea containers offshore will result in immediate export of the container at your own cost. We will provide additional information as it comes to hand. If this affects you, please ensure this information is passed onto your suppliers and ensure offshore treatment is correctly treated by an approved treatment provider to prevent delays in processing upon arrival in Australia. As always, our team are here to help provide guidance. Please reach out to import@tayper.com.au with any questions relating to the new measures and how they man affect your shipments. Thank you Tayper Team |